
Updated 01/01/2025

Weeks Date Day Topic Planned To-Do List

Week 1

Course Introduction & Getting started


14-Jan Tuesday Course Introduction and Syllabus Overview
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Access and familiarize with all the class resources by the end of Week 1.

  3. Complete the Preliminary Survey available on Blackboard Welcome module.

  4. Practice the materials covered in class.

16-Jan Thursday Getting started

Week 2

Basic Manipulations


21-Jan Tuesday Basic manipulations
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

23-Jan Thursday Basic manipulations

Week 3

Advanced Manipulations


28-Jan Tuesday Advanced manipulations
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Complete the Technology test as soon as possible and before taking Assignment 1 next week.

  4. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

30-Jan Thursday Advanced manipulations

Week 4

Open Class & Basic Visualizations p1 & Assignment 1


4-Feb Tuesday Open Class
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

6-Feb Thursday Basic Visualizations p1

Week 5

Basic Visualizations p2 & Advanced Visualizations p1


11-Feb Tuesday Basic Visualizations p2
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

13-Feb Thursday Advanced visualizations p1

Week 6

Advanced Visualizations p2 & Review 1


18-Feb Tuesday Advanced visualizations p2
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

20-Feb Thursday Review 1

Week 7

Open class & Skill Test 1


25-Feb Tuesday Open class
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Prepare by practicing the materials covered in previous classes.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

27-Feb Thursday Skill Test 1

Week 8

Intro to Modeling & Midterm


4-Mar Tuesday Intro to modeling
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Prepare by practicing the materials covered in previous classes.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

6-Mar Thursday Midterm

Week 9

Spring Break (3/11-3/17)

11-Mar & 13-Mar Spring Break (No Classes) Enjoy your Spring break!

Week 10

Basic Modeling


18-Mar Tuesday Basic modeling
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

20-Mar Thursday Basic modeling

Week 11

Intermediate modeling


25-Mar Tuesday Intermediate modeling
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

27-Mar Thursday Intermediate modeling1

Week 12

OM&IS Awards Banquet & Advanced modeling p1 & Assignment 2


1-Apr Tuesday OM&IS Awards Banquet
  1. Attend the OM&IS Banquet and the class.

  2. Prepare by practicing the materials covered in previous classes.

  3. Complete Assignment2 by the deadline.

  4. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

3-Apr Thursday Advanced modeling p1

Week 13

Advanced modeling p2 & Review 2


8-Apr Tuesday Advanced modeling p2
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Practice the materials covered in class.

  3. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

10-Apr Thursday Review 2

Week 14

Open Class & Skill Test 2


15-Apr Tuesday Open Class
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Prepare by practicing the materials covered in previous classes.

  3. Practice the materials covered in class.

  4. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

17-Apr Thursday Skill Test 2

Week 15

Data Analysis Communication


22-Apr Tuesday Data Analysis Communication
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

24-Apr Thursday Data Analysis Communication2

Week 16

Professional Development


29-Apr Tuesday Professional Development
  1. Attend the two classes.

  2. Use Microsoft Teams to ask questions or answer classmates’ questions.

1-May Thursday Professional Development

Final Exam

Thursday, May 8, 4-5:50 p.m.

8-May Thursday Final Exam
  1. Prepare by reviewing and practicing the materials covered in previous classes.

Table 4. Tentative Course Schedule


Date Details

Week 4


Assignment 1

Assignment1 will be completed directly on Blackboard (no software required).

  • Assignment1 includes 20 multiple-choice, essay or true or false questions.

  • Assignment1 will test you only on the materials covered up to Week 3 (weeks 1 to 3)!

  • Assignment1 will be available on Blackboard at 9:30 am of February 4th.

  • You have until the end of Week 4 to complete Assignment1 (11:59pm of February 10th).

  • While you have freedom in when completing Assignment1. Keep in mind that Assignment1 is a timed exam with a duration of 40 minutes.

Your grade will be based on the one and only one attempt you have to complete the Assignment. Do not start your Assignment attempt unless you are ready to complete the full Assignment. Take screenshots in case Blackboard software crashes during the Assignment and email them to me. There will not be extension or extra attempts if screenshots are not provided.

Week 7

(February 27th)

Skill Test 1

Skill Test 1 is the first coding assignment and it will be completed in class during class time.

  • Skill Test 1 is close book/notes/digital technologies and AI tools. However, you will receive cheat sheets and can use the R documentation.

  • Skill Test 1 will focus on manipulations and visualizations.

  • Skill Test 1 includes 10 questions + a bonus question.

  • Skill Test 1 has a duration of 45 minutes.

    You will be awarded partial points for all the questions but the bonus question unless your solution is completely wrong.

    The first review (not graded) during Week 6 will be a simulation of the Skill Test 1. It will enable you to see the skill test structure and format. Make sure to not miss it.

Week 8

(March 6th)

Midterm Exam

Midterm Exam will be completed directly in Blackboard (no software required).

  • Midterm Exam includes 30 multiple-choice, essay or true or false questions.

  • Midterm Exam will test you on the materials covered up to Week 6 (weeks 1 to 7)!

  • Keep in mind that Midterm Exam will be completed in class during class time, and it is a timed exam with a duration of 60 minutes.

Week 12


Assignment 2

Assignment2 will be completed directly on Blackboard (no software required).

  • Assignment2 includes 20 multiple-choice, essay or true or false questions.

  • Assignment2 will test you only on the materials covered in class up to Week 11 (weeks 8 to 11)!

  • Assignment2 will be available on Blackboard at 9:30 am of April 1st.

  • You have until the end of Week 12 to complete Assignment2 (11:59pm of April 7th).

  • While you have freedom in when completing Assignment2. Keep in mind that Assignment2 is a timed exam with a duration of 40 minutes.

Your grade will be based on the one and only one attempt you have to complete the Assignment. Do not start your Assignment attempt unless you are ready to complete the full Assignment. Take screenshots in case Blackboard software crashes during the Assignment and email them to me. There will not be extension or extra attempts if screenshots are not provided.

Week 14

(April 17th)

Second Skill Test

Skill Test 2 is the second coding assignment and it will be completed in class during class time.

  • Skill Test 2 is close book/notes/digital technologies and AI tools. However, you will receive a cheat sheet and can use the R documentation.

  • Skill Test 2 will focus on modeling.

  • Skill Test 2 includes 10 questions + a bonus question.

  • Skill Test 2 has a duration of 45 minutes.

    You will be awarded partial points for all the questions but the bonus question unless your solution is completely wrong.

    The second review (not graded) during Week 13 will be a simulation of the Skill Test 2. It will enable you to see the skill test structure and format. Make sure to not miss it.

Final Exam

(May 8th at 4 p.m)

The Final exam will be completed directly in Blackboard (no software required).

  • The Final Exam includes 40 multiple-choice, essay or true or false questions.

  • The Final Exam will test you on all the R materials covered during the semester but focus more on the second half of the semester (Week 8 to 15).

Table 5. Tentative graded items’ schedule and details

  1. If we are on schedule this class will be replaced with a guest speaker talk. It will be announced ahead of time and if applied all the other classes will shift down by one.↩︎

  2. If we are on schedule this class will be replaced with a guest speaker talk. It will be announced ahead of time and if applied all the other classes will shift down by one.↩︎