This syllabus is a guide, and every attempt is made to provide an accurate overview of the course and its requirements. However, certain circumstances may make it necessary for me to modify the syllabus during the semester for your benefit and the changes may depend, in part, on course progress and our needs. I will announce any change to the syllabus as early as possible so that you can adjust your schedule. The department/ school will also be notified of any change. Students are responsible for any such changes.
I will try to review and address all Microsoft Teams interactions within one business day (weekend excluded). In case you need to email me, please make sure to include a clear object in your email. Again, I encourage to share course related questions on Microsoft Teams and use email only for personal communications or emergencies. In Microsoft Teams, some of your questions/doubts might have already been addressed or some of your colleagues might know the answer to your question and reply in a timelier manner than me (especially in the weekends). Furthermore, participating on Microsoft Teams will also be rewarded with higher grade in the Learning portion of this class. Please be professional and respectful in all your Microsoft Teams interactions, I will deduct points if I believe you are not properly interacting on it.
After grades are posted for coding checkups, assignments, skill tests or exams, you have one week to review the grades and discuss with me about any issue you have with them. After one week, those grades are permanent. Finally, all the graded items that are submitted late will receive a 10% deduction for each day they are late.
Various homework/activities/challenges will be available during the semester, while you will not receive a formal grade for them, they will impact the Learning component of your grade if completed by the deadline. Moreover, they are critical for you to make sure that you are understanding and mastering the skills covered. I highly recommend to you to complete them at pace. Remember practice makes perfect! Moreover, if you are having troubles in solving them you should use Microsoft Teams and get help from me or your classmates.
In this class, we will engage in discussions that may involve differing opinions. It is essential to communicate respectfully and listen actively to one another. Moreover, please let me know if you have a preferred name or pronoun that you would like me to use. I aim to create an environment where everyone feels respected and acknowledged.
Undocumented students are welcome in this class. If you are undocumented and need assistance with successfully completing courses or a degree at NIU, the coordinator for Undocumented Student Support, Sandy López, can help you with advising, campus services designed for undocumented students, and other university resources. Visit Sandy in the Campus Life Building, room 236 or contact her at slopez1@niu.edu or 815-753-2391
If you encounter unexpected challenges that affect your ability to meet deadlines, please communicate with me as soon as possible. We can discuss potential extensions or accommodations. Your mental health is important. If you are feeling overwhelmed or need support, please reach out to the university counseling center or contact me for additional resources.
Lastly, please do not ask for any special last-minute treatment with grades as I don’t believe in exceptions. I think exceptions are not fair to the other students in this class. However, if you are directly affected by Covid-19 or have other severe health issues reach out to me in private. In any case, do not wait till the end of the semester to reach out for help, at that point there is not much I can do to help.
There are many resources available to support your success at NIU. Please see the list of resources below.